Snapquiz - Static Electricity

This is the Snapquiz on Static Electricity. Click here or use the embedded video if you haven't watched the lesson yet.

Question 1. If you hold a charged plastic rod near a stream of water from a tap, what will happen?

The stream will be attracted by the rod.
The stream could be either attracted or repelled by the rod.
The stream will be repelled by the rod.

Question 2. Which particle has a positive charge?


Question 3. How does a photocopier rely on static charge?

The charge powers the light.
The charge drives the motors.
The charge moves the paper.
The charge attracts tiny particles of toner.

Question 4. Why does a Van de Graaff generator make your hair stand up?

When you touch it you get a shock.
When you touch it you get charged up with electrons, which all then repel each other.
When you touch it you earth it so the electrons can escape.
When you touch it your positive charge repels the negative charges.

Question 5. Which material won't build up a static charge by rubbing it against an insulator?


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