Snapquiz - Renewable Energy Resources

This is the Snapquiz on Renewable Energy Resources. Click here or use the embedded video if you haven't watched the lesson yet.

Question 1. What is the energy source in geothermal power?

Heat from the Earth's core produced by nuclear reactions.
Heat from the Earth's core produced by tectonic activity.
Heat from the Earth's core produced by convection currents.
Heat from the Earth's core produced by pressure.

Question 2. Which energy resource can only be effectively harnessed where the Earth's crust is thin and/or where there's a lot of volcanic activity?

Solar power.
Geothermal power.
Wind power.

Question 3. Which energy resource usually requires a valley to be dammed?

Geothermal power.
Tidal power.
Wave power.

Question 4. Which of the following energy resources is reliable?

Wind power.
Tidal power.
Solar power.
Wave power.

Question 5. Which renewable energy resource used to mainly be built inland on hills, but is increasingly being built offshore as well?

Geothermal power
Wind power.
Solar power.
Wave power.

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