Snapquiz - Rate of Reaction

This is the Snapquiz on Rate of Reaction. Click here or use the embedded video if you haven't watched the lesson yet.

Question 1. When calculating the rate of change in chemistry, which variable will you usually be dividing by?


Question 2. 120g of magnesium is added to a 0.5 molar solution of sulphuric acid. After 15 minutes it is still reacting and it has produced 60cm3 of hydrogen gas. What is its rate of reaction?

2g per cm3.
4cm3 per minute.
0.5cm3 per gram.
8g per minute.

Question 3. 256g of zinc carbonate is added to a 0.1 molar solution of nitric acid. After 8 minutes it is still reacting and it has produced 12cm3 of carbon dioxide gas. What is its rate of reaction?

120cm3 per mole.
1.5cm3 per minute.
21.33g per cm3.
32g per minute.

Question 4. Why is a high rate of reaction usually more desirable to industrial chemists?

Producing more product in a given time is usually purer.
Producing more product in a given time is usually safer.
Producing more product in a given time is usually cheaper.
Producing more product in a given time is usually easier.

Question 5. Which is the highest rate of reaction?

300g per hour.
7g per minute.
0.1g per second.
0.36kg per hour.

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