Snapquiz - AC vs DC

This is the Snapquiz on AC vs DC. Click here or use the embedded video if you haven't watched the lesson yet.

Question 1. If an AC supply flows back and forth 3,000 times per minute what is its frequency?


Question 2. Which analogy is similar to an AC supply?

The tide regularly coming in and going back out again.
The waves on the sea moving up and down at random.
The wind blowing in different directions every day.
A river flowing in the same direction all the time.

Question 3. What is AC short for?

Alternating Current.
Additional Current.
Actuating Current.
Actual Current.

Question 4. Which type of device is used to step up or step down an AC supply?

A transmitter.
A transducer.
A transcriber.
A transformer.

Question 5. What would a DC supply look like on an oscilloscope?

A curved line starting at a high positive potential difference then steadily falling to zero.
A straight line remaining at a potential difference of zero over time.
A straight line remaining at a single non-zero potential difference over time.
A wave going from positive to negative over time.

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